Fallece Colin McRae

Igual a algunos le parece un poco raro que aparezca esto por aquí. Pero yo he considerado que, ya que ha "apadrinado" una mítica saga de videojuegos que llevaban su nombre que menos que recordarle en estos momentos.

Descanse en paz.

Fuente ==> http://www.elpais.com/articulo/deportes/estrella/helicoptero/ex/campeon/mundo/rallies/Colin/McRae/elpepudep/20070915elpepudep_15/Tes
Estoy contigo.
Descanse en paz
¿Y ahora como llamaremos a los videojuegos de rallies, Carlos Sainz?, se ha muerto un campeonisimo y uno de los mejores pilotos de todos los tiempos, requiem in pace [buuuaaaa]
No te extrañe que empiecen con Dirt 2, Dirt 3...
En la noticia pone que no es seguro que haya muerto.

Un saludo.
MisC0 escribió:En la noticia pone que no es seguro que haya muerto.

Un saludo.

Cuando me enteré de la muerte fué lo primero que cogí para linkar...

Pero vamos, que si, que murió.

Codemasters ha publicado una nota de prensa recordándolo:

Colin McRae, 1968 - 2007

Everyone at Codemasters, especially those who worked directly with Colin McRae, is deeply shocked and saddened by the tragic events of this weekend.

The loss of Colin McRae is deeply distressing. That it involved his son and another so young makes it even more tragic. Our thoughts are with his family and those closest to him and we share in their pain.

For over ten years, Colin was part of the Codemasters family and it was a privilege to have a man recognised as a true legend on the team. He always took a keen interest in the game experience, wanting to make sure it was without equal in its portrayal of the sport.

His contribution was inspirational and brought his technical expertise and passion for rally driving to each and every McRae game. Through the popularity of those games, he brought a whole new audience to the sport itself.

Codemasters' relationship with Colin began through Jim, David and Richard Darling and their condolences, along with ours, are passed to Colin's family. We are heavy of heart at his passing but we are also brimming with pride at knowing him and to have played a small role in his life.

He will never be forgotten by all at Codemasters.

Perdón por el lapsus.
vaya pena...

te da un poco k pensar...

alguien k arriesgaba su vida casi todos los dias aciendo tramo y muere asi...
6 respuestas