Al principio la idea era q Wii tuviera "graficos mas realistas"?? - Nueva patente

A new patent has been issued today (a year 2000 application) by Nintendo which speaks about ‘N alpha’ operations and says the following:

“Many of us have seen films containing remarkably realistic dinosaurs, aliens, animated toys and other fanciful creatures. Such animations are made possible by computer graphics…Most computer graphics research has tended to focus on producing realistic images. This research has been very successful. Computers can now generate images that are so realistic that you can’t tell them apart from photographs. For example, many of us have seen very convincing dinosaurs, aliens and other photorealistic computer-generated special effects in movie and television…One way to enhance realism is to model the opacity (transparency) of surfaces using a technique called “alpha blending.” (goes on explaining about technique)…”

Of course this new patent is probably just something Nintendo applied for as they do with most patents. But it would be interesting to see if Nintendo had planned for a system that would have specific methods which can show off ‘realistic graphics’ on a video game console. But could it be possible that originally the Wii was meant to do this? Of course Iwata wasn’t President at the time and Nintendo was working on Gamecube at the time, making it powerful.

It is well known however that Nintendo will be looking forward to creating a high-end graphics machine in the generation after the Wii. But for now with the success of the DS, even the current sales of the PS2 which continues to even outsell the 360 and the ‘victory’ at E3 with the Wii, Nintendo will easily wait till their Wii control system is established as a standard.

Pues segun esta patente del año 2000 podria ser q la principal idea de Nintendo fuera q su proxima consola tuviera mejores graficos, asimilandose en esto a sus competidoras, pero mas tarde quizas vieron lo q Microsoft y Sony tenian preparado y decidio ir por otro camino


[fies] interesante [idea] osea que asi es como lo hicieron
con el alpha blending on se consiguen graficos fotorealistas.
No se que me resulta mas absurdo, si la patente, o la "noticia" XD
Pero al Alpha Blending no es para hacer transparente un objeto?
Yo esq sobre Alpha Blending y movidas de esas no tengo ni idea, y no se si ya se habia creado antes o si es bueno o malo, por eso he puesto la noticia, para q la gente q entiende de esto nos comente un poco, porq yo ni idea XD

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