WiiGator cBoot2 (un custom boot2 para nuestra wii)

como lo dice el titulo, un custom boot 2...

copio y pego el readme


Author: WiiGator

WARNING: You need to make a NAND backup with Bootmii before using this tool.
This is required to recover on fatal errors.

Purpose: Start patched IOS without installing using Bootmii loader. The
original bootmii doesn't support to modify the file system. With this
package you get around this problem.
As example the wad manager from Waninkoko is in the package included,
because programs need a small patch to use the full features. Waninkoko
was not responsible for this. I used it, because it is a nice example of
what this package can do. Using this package you can install old IOS version
which include the sign bug, which is needed for some applications.
Note: You need just to extract an old game disc to get the wad files.
First you need to select uninstall and then install in the wad manager.

What does it?
This archive include tools for patching Boot2. The patched file is installed
to SD "/bootmii/armboot.bin". The file can be started by the Bootmii

cBoot2Installer installs "/bootmii/armboot.bin" to the SD card.

You need to copy the files on the SD card. The installers also try to download
the files, but the files are not available for download (Maybe in future).


Copy all files in directory sdroot to the SD card. You will see "startup.elf",
"boot.dol" and the directories in the root of the SD card. Then you need to
copy additonal files into the given directory structure. The additional files
are not included in the package.

For running cBoot2Installer you need the following directory structure on
your front SD card (the first colum is the SHA1 sum):
6160899be53f177836b62b524251f183f78be8be  /00000001/00000024/v1042/cetk
6571655cad06c110c8895e910ff3fe307da1c52e  /00000001/00000024/v1042/00000004
bd0f4fc7dfe0d8f137549eb36fbfd56b3dae84ee  /00000001/00000001/v2/00000000.app
932ee88b8a63c6ac0856b222ae06acec77dc33ae  /00000001/00000001/v2/tmd.2
ace0f15d2a851c383fe4657afc3840d6ffe30ad0  /00000001/00000001/v2/cetk

The files in directory v2 are Boot2. You need to extract BOOT2-v2-64.wad.out.wad.
Note: /00000001/00000001/v2/00000000.app is decrypted.

After cpoying the files, you need to run the cBoot2Installer to get the
file "/bootmii/armboot.bin" on the SD card.

Download links:

The SDI module can be loaded here:

Files need to be copied to SD /00000001/00000024/v1042/.

How it works?
cBoot2Installer will install a ARM boot binary to "/bootmii/armboot.bin" on
the SD card.
This is started by the Bootmii loader (put in SD card and power on the wii).
This will:
1. Copy SD "/startup.elf" to NAND "/tmp/cboot2/ppcboot.elf".
2. Search for an IOS starting with IOS36 and going down to IOS3.
3. It will patch the kernel of the IOS to include the sign bug and
   will add the abilty to remove an installed IOS.
4. The patched kernel will be written to MEM2 RAM.
5. Start file "/tmp/cboot2/ppcboot.elf" from NAND on Broadway.
6. Start IOS on Starlet.
7. Broadway will then load the file "boot.dol" from SD and start it.
8. In this example the wad manager is started. The file is patched to
   not load a different IOS. All executables need such a patch. Or you
   will miss the main feature this package.

NOTE: The NAND "/tmp" directory will be deleted automatically when an IOS is started.

NOTE: libfat can crash if no SD card is inserted, when trying to create a new directory.

la descarga de los lugares de costumbre

¿Pero esto no lo hace el preloader también?
La unica diferencia sería que boot2 se ejecuta antes que preloader, pero por lo demas ... creo que hay algo que se me escapa [360º]
algún entendido puede explicar mas sobre el tema
aver, creo que aunque el readme esta en ingles es entendible (me preocuparia si estuviera en chino o en ruso [qmparto] )....

el cBoot2 sirve para poder modificar el sistema de archivos de la nand (cosa que preeloader o bootmii no permiten), como ejemplo pone que podemos usar wad manager para intalar ios con bug trucha. (o creo que algo asi entendi)


pd: no tengo wii en este momento, pero en cuanto regrese, lo probare y pondre mas datos (esto me enseña que no debo prestar el wii a los amigos [qmparto] )
Uoo! Esto parece mejor que el Bootmii!

Haber no entiendo bien pero parece que es un custom boot 2 pero no sobrrescribe el boot2 de bootmi en la nand, mas bien el boot2 de bootmi lo carga , o sea bootmi esta empezando a producir sus primero frutos, y esta demostrando que el control total de la wii es una realidad.
Esto lo postee en scene, pero como habeis abierto un hilo, lo reposteo aqui para hacerle el seguimiento a esta aplicación:
Thyl-Thalion escribió:Buenas noticias a los que no tengan cIOS y tengan 4.0:
Wiigator ha sacado un custom boot2,un arranque para bootmii que arranca un IOS con bug trucha desde el arranque, para luego poder usar wadmanager y volver a "meter las truchas en el cesto".

Muy peligroso, porque mete un archivo temporal en la nand que luego se supone borra,por eso no pongo ni la descarga, pero me parece muy interesante y hay que ver como avanza la cosa...

WARNING: You need to make a NAND backup with Bootmii before using this tool.
This is required to recover from fatal errors.
cBoot2 is a patched Boot2. You should be able to install a patched IOS if Bootmii is installed at boot2 location. You need to remove the GC memory card from slot 2 if you run this.
Note: This package is only needed for people, who have updated without return and lost all downgrade capabilities. You will need a boot1 with a sign bug to use it.
Purpose: Start patched IOS without installing using Bootmii loader. The original Bootmii doesn't support to modify the file system. With this package you get around this problem.


PD: He encontrado un video de una Wii 4.0J usando esto:
Basicamente, con esto en el caso de que borraras toda la nand y no tuvieras ningun backup o el que tuvieras no te funcionara (porque se hubiera corrompido o vete tu a saber), podrias reinstalar un system menu de wii tranquilamente.

Eso claro si tenias bootmii instalado antes del desastre.

Es un poco complejo, y lo mejor seria no tener que usarlo nunca :p
pero esto... carga un dol antes de iniciar ningun IOS?
8 respuestas