Nuevo M3 Game Manager v22 & firmware e22 FINAL

Ahora si un nuevo firmware para el M3 el V22 con su correspondiente Game manager.

Parece que mejora las funciones del moonshel y el modo GBA.

Aqui pongo la info

-The M3 team have just released a new version of their M3 Game Manager software and firmware.

New features include general bug fixes, increased GBA compatibility and the ability to remember Moonshell settings.

1. Two methods for loading GBA games.
press button "A" to load -new method (fast load)
press button "start" to load -old method (normal load)
2. Support playing game "451-great strategy" without hang up in the battle scene.
3. Able to keep the last adjust setting of the moonshell(extend).

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No lo he probado, todavia utilizo la 21
Esta ya posteado pero bueno.
y porque en la pagina oficial solo esta el 21??
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