Nuevo fix de vanDrunen

Pues como habia anunciado en los foros del dms4 vanDrunen acaba de sabar un nuevo fix basado en la idea del fix por pic del matrix team.
Segun se comenta funciona bastante bien pero como no tengo un pstwo no os puedo confirmar nada
aqui os dejo el enlace directo
Tiene buena pinta por lo que veo, y parece que no necesita fusible aunque mi duda es que parece que hay que programarlo, pero si funciona bien no problem. [looco]
A ver si comentan que tal va y me animo a darle caña a mi Pstwo que la tengo un miedito...

Un saludo.
esto ya me va gustando mas, un pic509 (harto de programarlos), y una resistencia. Vaya como están dando de rendimiento los 508... desde la ps1... yo aun los utilizo para otras cosas, menos mal tengo 10 que compré para otros menesteres, si hace falta lo probaré con la primera pstwo que me llegue. Yo por ahora me espero, paso de poner ningun chip a pstwo, ya me van pregutnando pero hago que se esperen, o bien, si aun no se la han comprado (me preguntan si se compran la nueva pstwo o la vieja v9) yo sin duda les recomiendo que se compren la v9(o v10), que al menos hay solucion si peta el LA .. y con la proteccion USB DE DONO, va cojonudo).
Perdona, eh oido de Dono?, creo que Dano se va a mosquear, ah y por cierto al reduccion puede k la anunaciara el, pero no la invento el ;) xD
Y eso realmente funciona?
Para los que quieran algo mas de protecion:
vanDrunen escribió:- The Summ0ne fix actually has more effect than I initially thought. It doesn't just decrease the gain by a certain percentage, but it does some weird non-linear transformation on the opamps inputs. When I was calculating what the effect of the resistor would be I found that it would do nothing at all, assuming the RS2004FS opamps would have a huge input imendance and the voltage on the DVD controller's output would have a very low output impendance. But just because the characteristics of both the input and the output drivers are rather poor, this simple resistor does have an effect.
I saw that the 560 ohm resistor will do nothing with low voltage differences and will have an increased "gain-decrease" on higher voltage differences. The non-linear property has got nothing to with the resistor, but only with the fact that the DVD controller has a limited current output and that the RS2004FS's opamp inputs drain a bit of current too.
It does decrease reading abilities and I could see an increased amount of interrupts between DVD controller and the Mechacon, which means that one simple correction... a big "swing" of the lense in the inner or outer direction is limited and instead the sled motor is being used more to move the unit in and out more and the lens itsself is limited in it's motions. I could measure huge differences in results between different motherboards and that the difference was down to the components's deviations and not to the motherboard version itsself. Some PSTwo's would have much less effect from the resistor than others and a change in resistor value would change this.
I see some potential in the "idea" behind this fix and will integrate it into my new fix. A more "dynamic" component instead of a resistor would work perfectly.

OK.. so the Summ0ne fix is a good idea.. but not the final solution. Currently people should apply the Matrix Fix (please use a 12F675 PIC instead of the 12C508 and program it with my recompiled one) in combination with the Summ0ne fix, but instead of 560 ohms, use a 1.2 K and 1 K resistor in parallel. This would make a 545 ohm resistance and showed better results (at least on my boards)
¿ LO QUE ? [flipa]

Si es que esto de saber solo Castellano y paleto tiene sus desventajas.... :D
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