Sonido en Linux para xbox 360

Sonido en linux 360 !!!!CONFIRMADO!!!!

Parece que la scene se empieza a mover, nuestros amigos de Xbox scene nos informan que Axel quien escribio el controlador Free60 x11, han logrado correr sonido bajo linux en una xbox 360 con el xploit kk, cosa hasta ahora imposible, segun comentan estaban trabajando en el driver desde hace algun tiempo pero sin resultado alguno, hasta que empezaron a er actividad en el multimetro, y al colocar parlentes woala sonido, aunque al principio algo descontrolado, luego lograron reproducir una pista de sonido.. les dejo el texto original:

"Axel, who already wrote the free60 X11 driver using a revolutionary (ok, let's say: "interesting") remote development method, started, together with Tom, hacking on a Xbox360 linux sound driver. The bad thing was that they had nothing more than a really short braindump of what I so far found out on the sound hardware (and that was really not much more than a list of registers associated with the sound). But some hours later, they had a first result: No sound, as we didn't brought speakers with us, but we just hooked up a multimeter to the sound port, and whenever they would "trigger" the sound driver, the multimeter showed some activity!

Luckily it was (almost) daytime, so we just bought speakers (and more DVDs for Ben), and voilà: sound! It was something uncontrollable, but some time later we had some code which we estimated to output a plain sine wave. But somehow we screwed it up, and the output was an interesting piece of music, just not a simple sine wave. Ilinuxp. On the other hand, it's a mystery for me how they could bring the hardware to output anything at all! Thanks a lot, you two! I will soon provide Axel a skype link so you can continue developing remotely"

fuente: xbox-scene
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