Problema BootLoader PS3Key

bueno os dejo un email que me dejaron los de ps3key:

Dear PS3Key user,

During a routine audit of our systems, it came to light that a small number of PS3Keys were sent out with an incorrect bootloader. If your PS3Key serial number is between 1001 0300 0000-x and 1001 0300 0999-x then you are affected. Please contact your point of sale who will be happy to exchange it for you.

We have already sent notifications to the distributors that we supplied this stock to, so their resellers should already be aware of their situation. If they are not, just send them a link to this news article. We have already provided our distributors new stock, so getting a replacement should be a very straightforward process.

If you have a PS3Key within the affected serial number range, you may not notice any abnormal activity. However, due to the problem with the bootloader on these particular dongles, unforeseen and unpredictable issues may occur in the future. Therefore, we encourage everyone with a PS3Key within this range to return it to their point of sale for replacement immediately.

We'd also like to stress that this issue is NOT a hardware-related issue but rather an issue related to the bootloader. However, because the bootloader is required to update PS3Key, it is not possible to release an update to replace the bootloader.

We'd like to apologize for any inconvenience that this issue causes anyone. We place the current and future reliability of PS3Key above all else which is why we decided to make this announcement.

Thank you for your continued support of PS3Key!

PS3Key Support

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segun entiendo quieren decir que entre los numeros de series puestos en el correo deberian ponerse en contacto con su proveedor para cambiar su ps3key ya que tendrian un fallo en el gestor de arranque.

espero que os sirva la información.

PD: Borrar el post no he visto que estaba en el post de ps3key.
repee.Para estas cosas esta el hilo oficial que si hubieras leido sabrias que ya se sabe de esta mañana temprano.
un saludo
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