Acceder a modo Mantenimiento en Wii

Copio y pego

Wii Maintenance Mode Discovered
revolution grugiced writes "Discovered by FiJ over on the MaxConsole forums the Wii’s Maintenance Mode control panel can be accessed by these simple steps

1. Power on the Wii.
2. Hold down the “+” and “-” buttons on the Wii Remote.
3. While continuing to hold those buttons press the “A” button on the Wii Remote.

There does not seem to be very many features and not much is known about what doors this might open. There have however been a few reports of “half-bricked” Wii consoles working properly after having accessed Maintenance Mode. It has also been confirmed that this mode is only available for Wii consoles with the 3.0 or newer dashboard update."

Al parecer ya estaba posteado esto algun mod que lo borre aqui dos enlaces interesantes

HIlo 1
HIlo 2
Interesante, habrá que probarlo. A ver si le sacan alguna utilidad los gurus del tema
1 respuesta