Más releases de GC jugables con un nuevo cargador

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Noticias » Consolas
Eurasia ha sacado una nueva versión (1.1) de su cargador para el Animal Crossing, con la sorpresa de que se puede utilizar también para cargar más juegos. Entre los probados con más o menos problemas están Luigi's Mansion, F-Zero, Wave Race: Blue Storm, Rogue Leader, Madden NFL 2002, Starfox Adventures, Disney's Magical Mirror, Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havok, Skies of Arcadia y TimeSplitters 2. Recordad que los juegos deben cargarse por streaming desde el PC, a través del bug del PSO.
155 comentarios
  1. :O :O :O :O :O

    . . . .
    : / / . ___:. \ \ :
    |// _//________.___ ____:____________ _____.__________ \ / _____\\_ \\|
    |/ | / _ / | | _ /__\__ \ __/____\/____\__ \ | \|
    / /|/ / / | | / / _ \______ /_/\ _ \|\ \
    \ \// ____/ [ | \ < \ /\ / / \ \ \\/ /
    |\ / ______\ \__________|_____\ /_____________\_______/______\________ \ /|
    | \ \ ---- --------- : ---- \____\ ----------- ----- -------- ---- / / |
    | \\ \ / // |
    | // / \ \\ |
    |/ / >>> Animal Crossing Loader 1.1 <<< \ \|
    / // \\ \
    . / COMPANY...: Nintendo - SYSTEM....: GCN\DOS32 \ .
    :// ORIGIN....: USA - SIZE......: 49.6K \\:
    |/ LANGUAGE..: English - FILENAME..: EUR-ACL1.ZIP \|
    | |
    `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--'
    .-/ /->> RELEASE NOTES: <<----------------------------------------------\ \-.
    | |
    | |
    | Eurasia Animal Crossing Loader V1.1. Now supports all Animal |
    | Crossing GCMs and several others. |
    | |
    | When using on GCMs that use excessive BBA streaming, memory card |
    | access may be less reliable or cause a hang. This does not apply to |
    | any version of Animal Crossing or games like Luigis Mansion because |
    | streaming from BBA does not occur every second. |
    | |
    | Games like F-Zero, that stream every second, you may want to remove |
    | the memory card completely to stop possible hanging when it is |
    | accessed. |
    | |
    | Despite the save limitations of some games you may still enjoy them |
    | until a workaround is developed. |
    | |
    | Enjoy! |
    | |
    `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--'
    .-/ /->> TOOL NOTES: <<-------------------------------------------------\ \-.
    | |
    | |
    | Play Animal Crossing (USA) GCM on your Gamecube with BBA/PSO exploit |
    | |
    | Loader Files: |
    | |
    | EUR-ACL1.EXE - PC Animal Crossing Loader 1.1 |
    | EUR-ACL1.DOL - GC Animal Crossing Loader 1.1 |
    | |
    | Setup: |
    | |
    | In PSO Network provider setup menu.. |
    | |
    | * Change IP address of GC to |
    | * Change Default Gateway and Primary DNS to |
    | |
    | In Windows.. |
    | |
    | * Change your PC IP to |
    | |
    | |
    | Usage: |
    | From DOS Run EUR-ACL1.EXE with the Animal Crossing GCM.. |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | Upload EUR-ACL1.DOL to the GC with PSUL Version 1.1 |
    | |
    | The Eurasia intro will boot on GC, you can change boot method |
    | from A/B using D-pad, then press START. |
    | |
    | If everything is working correctly the DOS screen will begin |
    | to fill with dots. The TV screen should go from loading, black, |
    | Red Nintendo Logo, black screen, sound, title screen, music. |
    | |
    | On some sytems the entire game will load in 1 minute, on other |
    | systems this process may take several minutes! Please be patient, |
    | As long as dots are filling the DOS screen then Animal Crossing |
    | is loading. |
    | |
    | If you are having problems with hanging, or the console is filling |
    | up with X's and transfer rate is very slow, try using the delay |
    | switch to slow down transfer rate from PC. |
    | |
    | Delay usage: eur-acl1.exe eur-acgc.gcm -d10 -f16 |
    | |
    | Delays for 10ms every 16 packets. |
    | |
    | If no -f switch is given the frequency of delay will default to |
    | every one packet which is far slower and perhaps no more reliable |
    | that a given frequency value. Experiment to find the optimum |
    | settings for your system if you are having long loading times. |
    | |
    | |
    `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--'
    .-/ /->> NICE WAREZ: <<-------------------------------------------------\ \-.


    DOL-GAFE-USA A Animal Crossing ~1 min. initial load.
    Game loads into RAM. No more
    loading after title screen.
    DOL-GAEJ-JAP A Animal Crossing E+ ~2 min. initial load.
    Game loads into RAM. No more
    loading after title screen.
    DOL-GLMP-EUR B Luigi's Mansion ~2 min. initial load.
    Intro sound pops/stutters.
    <2 sec. load between doors.


    DOL-GFZJ-JAP B F-Zero GX ~2 min. initial load.
    DOL-GFZE-USA B F-Zero GX Short loading times in-game.
    Minor audio pops/stutters in-game.
    <15 sec. load for menus.
    Reports memory card as full but
    does not freeze.
    DOL-GWRP-EUR B Wave Race: Blue Storm ~1 min. initial load.
    Short loading times in-game.
    Audio pops/stutters in-game.
    Recommend remove memory card.
    DOL-GSWE-USA B Rogue Leader ~5 min. initial load.
    Recommend remove memory card.
    DOL-GMDE-USA A Madden NFL 2002 ~2 min. initial load.
    Choppy FMV/graphics in-game.
    Recommend remove memory card.
    DOL-GSAP-EUR B Starfox Adventures ~1 min. initial load.
    Choppy FMV/audio cut-scenes.
    Recommend remove memory card.
    DOL-GDMP-EUR B Disney's Magical Mirror ~1 min. initial load.
    starring Mickey Mouse Short loading times in-game.
    Minor audio pops/stutters in intro.
    Minor audio/graphics pops in-game.
    DOL-GRHE-USA B Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havok ~3 min. initial load.
    Choppy FMV/audio/graphics in-game.
    Recommend remove memory card.
    DOL-????-USA B Skies of Arcadia ~1 min. initial load.
    Short loading times in-game.
    Choppy FMV/intro.
    DOL-GTSE-USA B TimeSplitters 2 ~1 min. initial load.
    ~30 seconds for each load screen.
    Reports memory card as corrupt
    but does not freeze.



    .-/ /->> APPLICATION INFO: <<-------------------------------------------\ \-.
    | |
    | Interested in being a part of Eurasia? We are currently looking |
    | for people to join our team. We have a strong belief in group |
    | friendship and we make an effort to ensure that all members get |
    | exceptional benefits. If you fit into any of these categories, |
    | please contact us for membership information: |
    | |
    | * Suppliers of unreleased console games around the world. If you |
    | have access to games and have spare time, we can train you and |
    | give you access to the necessary tools and hardware to make |
    | your job easier. |
    | |
    | * Site affiliations worldwide. If you host a site and are looking |
    | for a great affiliation, contact us to establish a relationship. |
    | |
    | If you fit into any of these categories, please contact us. |
    | |
    `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--'
    .-/ /->> GREETS: <<-----------------------------------------------------\ \-.
    | |
    | Crazy Nation, Echelon, Kalisto, Lightforce, Mode 7, Nightfall, |
    | Oldskool, Paradox, Rising Sun, RSiSO, StarCube, SAC, and Venom. |
    | \ / |
    `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--'
    .-/ /-------------------------------------------------------------------\ \-.
    |/ /\_ __ ESTABLISHED IN 1997 ___:. __ _/\ \|
    / // ______._ __:____. _____:____. \ /_____. _____. ____:___._______.\\ \
    \ \_| ___/ | | _ \_\__ | __/__\/_\__ |_ \___ \/ | \___ |_/ /
    |\ \_ __/ | | / < _ |___ //\ _ _/ / __/ | | | \__ _/ /|
    |\ |_\___\_____|__\___\_____|_____/___\_____| /_____\_____|_____/___/_| /|
    : \ \ : : : / / :
    \\ \\ // //
    \ /
  2. entre esto, y el video del emulador de gc se pone la scene calentita calentita
  3. Pues si, parece q la scene de la cube empieza a despertar, pero llega un poco tarde... ¬_¬
  4. Pues ahora la cosa sí se va poniendo seria. :Ð . Las cosas que se consiguen de la noche a la mañana... vamos, en cuestión de días.

    Próximo episodio en tu casa: boot disk [tomaaa]
  5. joder...pues ahora si que si...por streaming, vaya tela, en cuanto optimicen para mejorar la carga y solucionen los bugs esos que no dejan meter la memory card y tal...se podra jugar por streaming siempre que la velocidad del propio BBA permita que no haya esos parones claro.
    Sigue siendo un engorro pero desde luego ya tira :/
    Hay que joderse, no han podido saltarse el lector de la cube y para un juego online que hay van y la cascan con un bug repetido, que fuerte.
  6. Joder suerte k estaba prohibido hablar de releases ein? , pero weno, es mu buena notícia, cada vez está más cerca [oki]
  7. Pues a ver si me entero de como funciona el tema,de cargar juegos etc,tengo todo lo necesario ,PSO,BBA.......
  8. Que buena noticia [666] [666] Las cosas van avanzando :-| :-|
  9. pos vaya, si tengo ke pillarme el bba, el cable, la tarjeta de red para jugar.... aun me sale mas barato pillarme el starfox original, ke es el ke mas me interesa de ahi, (bueno kiza el fzero).

    por cierto habeis visto la noticia y el video de emulation64??? yo me he kedado de piedra, no si al final akabaremos emulando los juegos antes de konseguir kargarlos en la propia konsola.

    PD: ademas de todo eso tb tendria ke komprarme la cube, ke aun no la tengo :P
  10. Esto marcha [tadoramo]
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